Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Social Training

I am a social media junkie. I freely admit it. I even watched the inauguration yesterday at and made full use of their Facebook feed. It was great.

Well, my friend Carmen over at Pecan Flan clued me in to a great new site this morning called It combines two of my favorite things, Social Media and Exercise! OK, well it combines one of my favorite things with one thing that I begrudgingly do everyday...even if I don't love it. And while I may not love exercise (although I'm working on it!), sites like definitely help to make it more fun, at least for techie nerds like me. Dailymile lets you log all of your workouts, but it also lets you make friends like your typical myspace or facebook site. And they can see how much you've been exercising. Talk about accountability! They can even send you little messages to help motivate you in your efforts. The site also helps to connect you with people in your area who are interested in similar types of training, and lets you know about races and events in your neighborhood. Pretty cool!

One extra perk is that you can sync Dailymile to work with Twitter, so it will post your workout summaries to your twitter feed. How nice for a twitter addict like myself!

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